28 October 2004 NeWs!!! LUnar eclispe & Arafat on last legs?!?!!!!!بيج اماه دين Rugby! Go back to your own blog, varmint! as-salaamu alaikum, i am Rugby and in real life i am a NICE RAT, not a Palistupidian terrorist! byee!! Okay, now that we've established that, here's an UPDATE: The eclipse has come and gone with no dire effects, but we're still waiting to find out whether Arafat is still stinking up this plane of existence. It now seems that -- to quote Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail -- he's "not quite dead," and possibly is even "feeling happy." But, in the words of the hyperactive seven-year-old Dot from MAD TV, "with Jesus and black magic on our side, we can't fail!" So I recommend working up some anti-Arafat hoodoo with this little chant, adapted from an ancient Catholic prayer that was immortalized for modern audiences by Monty Python: píe Iésu dómine...